About Engedi

Thank you for visiting my website. I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Jolanda Geelen- van der Keur. In 1996 I started a practice for pastoral care which during the years that followed developed to a professional practice for counselling and coaching, also named as cliëntcentered therapy.
In 2005 I graduated at the Academy for Counselling and Coaching, in 2018 I studied HBO Youth Coach and a training EMDR, see page EMDR for more explanation about this form of therapy. Various courses and training courses added to knowledge and experience such as Trauma Counseling, Zegenend Helpen (Blessing Help), Expertise Promotion about the consequences of organized- and ritual abuse.
Furthermore I studied Counselling and coaching for:
- Stress and burn-out
- Emotionel problems
- Work related problems
- Communication and conflict- managing
- Mourning and loss
- Traumatic experiences
- Consequences of incest, sexual abuse, ritual abuse (klick hier for explanation about ritual violence and ritual abuse.)
- Identity, self-image.
The name Engedi
It all started with a dream I had in 1995 about Engedi. I didn't know the meaning of the word "Engedi". So I looked it up in the bible. The name Engedi comes from an oasis in the most dry place on earth near the Dead Sea. Engedi, where children play at the well. Also known as "The fountain of the laughing kids". A safe place where the river is full of life and brings healing whereever it flows. Trees growing from both sides. In Engedi palmtrees are growing and flowers are blooming. There is a cave to hide.. there is life, there is fruitfullness.. where you don't expect it.