Gifts and sponsorship

Money is a difficult thing for cliënts who are survivors of (satanic) ritual abuse. They are severely damaged, both mentally and physically, in such a way that they can't work. That means they have very little income. In addition, money has the meaning "sold without reservation"; they were sold for prostitution, as property of someone. Among other things, this is one of the reasons to appeal to you as a reader. To carry these burdens together and thus not only be able to give people help and understanding but also to let them know that they are supported and are not alone.
These are the people who have my heart; people who have experienced the unimaginable in extreme violence, abuse, satanism and slavery. It are precisely they who do not feel safe because of all the control of the government and agencies.
A number of care recipients urgently need help and find a safe place at Engedi where they are not labeled and where knowledge and experience is available for their problems. In addition, regularly I consult and work together with colleagues such as Carla Hamoen / FragileWing who are familiar with these cases.
Please concider about contacting your church/housegroup/company whether they want to contribute to justice, an aspect of God's kingdom. There are countless hours we make outside of conversations to support our clients but that are not paid by anyone.
Engedi believes it is important help is offered in as many cases as possible. You can help achieve this by making a donation once or periodically. Your contribution will be used entirely for people who can't fully pay for help and assistance or short time temporary shelter.
Engedi asks the cliënt for a contribution according to the cliënt's ability to pay, and will supplement the remaining costs with your contribution. Do you feel the urge or need to help support an unknown fellow human being, to offer new opportunities for further development and helping towards a dignified safe life?
You can transfer your donation to Engedi on bankaccount: NL22 KNAB 0403 5327 01 description: "Gift" or via
For further information, please mail to or call/send a message by Signal or Telegram to 0655872719