The independent practice Engedi works independently of large mental health institutions and health insurers. As a result you can count on no or short waiting lists, a personal approach with maximum privacy and minimal bureaucracy. Your data will not be shared with third parties, except for your express written consent. Sometimes we work together with referrers, care providers, psychologists and general practitioners.
Because of its independent position, Engedi is a safe place to ask for help and to give attention at your tasks. At Engedi you are not a patiënt but someone with possibilities.
Given the limited reimbursement policy of the health insurers, which means that therapy is often at its own expense, Engedi works independently and moreover with competitive rates to be and remain as accessible as possible. Where necessary, Engedi makes use of intervision and supervision, reads in and follows further training. Engedi has registered with Solo Partners in connection with the Wkkgz (Quality Complaints and Disputes in Healthcare Act).
What is Engedi not: Engedi is not related to a church.
So what is Engedi? Even though I am not related to a church, I still live in relationship with God Who I know as a good Father. The fact that I do believe does not mean that you also have to believe to ask for help.
The subject only comes up when you want that, only than. So it doesn't matter if you're an atheist, agnostic, humanist, or what other beliefs you adhere to. At Engedi you are first and foremost HUMAN.
A valuable person.
A welcome person.
Just .. as you are.